Cats are notorious, little animals that love to munch on anything and everything. Their curiosity gets to them most of the time and this curiosity may get them stuck in a very sticky situation. When it comes to safety and worrying about your cat’s health especially when he refuses to stop consuming peculiar food, cat owners always take the crown.
So, can your cat eat cumin? In a way, yes. Cumin seeds can be consumed by felines and other pets as long as they are not more than a mouthful quantity for a single day. However, your cat’s eating habits, health, and special conditions must also be kept in mind if you are going to add cumin to their food bowl.
Even though these graceful felines tend to devour everything, they are also one of the most sensitive pets and more likely to get sick after consuming something they should not have.
On the contrary, cats are quite picky eaters that are likely not to eat something if they have doubts about its smell. That said, cumin is not only known for its immaculate taste in food, but also for having a strong aroma.
It is possible for your cat to not eat cumin incorporated food because of its strong smell.
Is Cumin Safe for Cats?
Some numerous spices and flavors can be added to a feline’s dietary routine to enrich its flavor, encourage healthy eating and prove to be beneficial for their health.
Perhaps, the best idea is to continuously contact your furball’s veterinarian and additionally a veterinary nutritionist or botanist before adding something new to your cat’s diet, or at any rate, guarantee the flavoring or zest being referred to is checked as “protected” for your feline to eat. Remember that what may be ok for certain felines, may elicit a bad response in others.
Frequency and Effects of Cumin in the long run!
Cumin must be given to your cat in small doses after consulting your local veterinarian to avoid the possibility of a bad reaction.
Read more to know some of the effects of incorporating cumin in your cat’s diet in a variety of ways,
1. Daily
Cumin, when given to your cat daily or in excessive amounts, may prove to be a little harmful. It could give your cat digestive upsets.
2. From time to time
Cumin has extensive health benefits as it is an antioxidant and antibacterial spice. It is encouraged to feed your cat this brilliant herb once in a while so that he could gain maximum healthcare benefits.
3. During pregnancy
Feeding your feline friend cumin when she is pregnant is highly discouraged because cumin seeds are known to trigger miscarriages and pregnancy complications, not only in humans but also in animals.
Benefits of Feeding Cumin to Your Cat
Incorporating a small dosage of cumin in your feline’s diet has been proven to be excessively beneficial for your furry friend’s health.
Here’s to know how cumin can improve your cat’s health,
1. Reduces Cholesterol
Looking after a cat that is putting on a lot of weight at a very alarmingly fast rate, could spike worry in any cat owner. One may start looking for ways to control your cat’s body weight as soon as possible.
One way to get your furry friend’s body weight under control is to start feeding a little amount of cumin to him with his food. Cumin has been found to have hypolipidemic properties which help in lowering cholesterol and losing weight.
2. Reduces Pancreatic Inflammatory
Cumin is an anti-inflammatory spice that can be fed to those cats that have Pancreatitis. To reduce the inflammation of the liver and pancreas, you must always consult your local vet before feeding cumin to your fur baby to make sure that it is completely okay to feed it to him with the medications already given to him.
3. Prevents Cancer
If you are a cat owner like me, who is immensely cautious about her fur baby’s health and is always trying to walk an extra mile just to protect her cat from awful diseases, including cumin in your cat’s food is something you should start doing.
Cumin is not only well known for its antioxidant properties but cumin seeds also contain a compound called ‘Thymoquinone’ that keeps checking on multiplication of cells liable for prostate malignant growth and prevents the formation of new cancer cells.
4. Prevents Heart Disease
Cumin can be tremendously beneficial in preventing heart diseases in your cat. It does not only help in diminishing the danger of a congestive heart failure in felines but also slows down the heart rate and relaxes the heart muscles.
5. Controls Diabetes
If your fur-baby, unfortunately, has diabetes mellitus, it could be a bit hard to look for measures that could help you keep your feline friend’s sugar level under control.
Cumin is a brilliant spice that can control the glucose level of your pet and plays a significant role in preventing diabetes-related complications.
Side Effects of Feeding Cumin to Your Cat
Even though including cumin in your cat does not seem to have excessive side effects, it is bound to give your furry friend bad digestive issues.
Your cat is more likely to have diarrhea and stomach upsets when he consumes cumin in large doses. It is advised to feed cumin to your cat in little amounts and then gradually increase the dose, after consulting your vet, if the need arises.
Other Spices That Are Safe to Feed to Your Cat
Cumin is not the only spice that can be beneficial to your cat, several other herbs and spices have favorable qualities that can naturally improve your cat’s health and help in preventing diseases:
· Turmeric
Turmeric is known for treating digestive upsets and quickening weight reduction. Turmeric can rid your feline of intestinal worms and when applied to wounds, works as an antiseptic. Turmeric can give some alleviation from joint inflammation and has been utilized to fight against malignancy and weakness.
· Cinnamon
According to ASPCA, cinnamon is not toxic to cats. However, it should be given to your cats in small doses. Cinnamon has been proven to help cats with digestion issues as well as with bone and cartilage development. It also improves your feline’s mood, removes bad gut bacteria, and controls sugar levels in your cat’s blood.
· Ginger
Ginger has excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can assist cats with blood circulation, motion sickness, joint pains, digestive problems,and bloating.
· Cardamom
Cardamom can be fed to your feline to treat constipation, indigestion, and diarrhea. It has anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties that are very beneficial for your cat’s health.
· Basil
Basil is a fragrant spice that is well-to-do in cell reinforcement, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. It can help to decrease the excruciating impacts of joint pain, lift the temper, and provide a solution for stress and uneasiness. Several cleaved basil leaves into your cat’s supper can surely lift your feline’s mood.
· Parsley
Parsley, commonly known as a spice, when incorporated in small doses into your cat’s diet can be highly favorable for your pet’s well-being. Parsley has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps your feline in eliminating toxins and excess water from his body. It is also known for treating kidney diseases and anemia.
Cumin is one of the most beneficial spices that could naturally cure a lot of diseases without harmful side effects. To improve the quality of your furry friend’s health and to bring a little flavor into your cat’s diet, it is advised to include it in little amounts to your cat’s food after consulting your veterinarian.
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Happy Cat Care!