How many times have you been chased by your pet when you opened your kitchen or refrigerator door?
Your catâs body processes food differently from our body, and that is why it is very important to know exactly what foods are good for it as well. Some ingredients can be toxic even in small quantities, which makes it necessary to always be careful and well informed.
If a cat eats cauliflower, broccoli, or other cabbage varieties can seem amazing and entertaining, and you, as an animal owner, often wonder if this is a normal behavior for your beloved pet! Maybe you have even been tempted many times to give your cat a taste of these vegetables with which we can create so many tasty recipes! Some cats may even come and âaskâ to try your dishes!
Veterinarians warn cat owners that our fluff balls are not allowed to eat certain types of raw cabbage such as cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and others because they contain thiocyanate â a compound that can affect their thyroid function, if consumed in large quantities and in the long term. To eliminate this disadvantage, you should cook them by boiling, steaming, grilling, or baking without added spices or other ingredients. Cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage are full of vitamins and minerals, which will help boost your cat immune system.
These vegetables can be served to your fluff only in small quantities (1-2 teaspoons over one week) and if it has a balanced diet.
Do cats like cauliflower, broccoli, or other cabbage varieties?
Cats were domesticated thousands of years ago to protect humans from harmful rodents that ate their grains. So, these little felines want to eat meat, and those who prefer fruits and vegetables are rare. Our pets are obligate carnivores and have a digestive system specialized in processing animal protein. Most of the time, when they try something other than meat, they will have digestive problems.
As well, a catâs curiosity is a character trait well known to everyone. They may ask you to give them to try different fruits and vegetables when they see you eating, but that doesnât mean they really like them (as in thinking they are delicious). But there are still cats that end up consuming fruits and vegetables because they liked it.
Just as some cats eat grass when their stomach is upset, others are attracted to broccoli or cauliflower for the same reason. Or, there are cats that even eat white cabbage with pleasure. However,as we mentioned earlier, considering that they are exclusively carnivores, the consumption of fruits and vegetables should be done in moderation.
Is cauliflower good or bad for cats to consume?
The cauliflower belongs to the cabbage family (Brassicaceae), as do broccoli, and it is packed with:
â vitamins â vitamin C, K, B6, B9, and E.
â minerals â potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, and fluorine.
As a downside for our beloved fluffs, cauliflower also has a high fiber content.
If your cat is among those who consume cauliflower with pleasure, then it should not be raw because it will be harder on your catâs digestive system. As a recommendation, it is best to steam or grill the cauliflower before serving it to your pet. By boiling it, it loses its nutrients. So, chop your cauliflower and steam, grill, or bake it before you serve it to your cat!
Your feline should always have a complete and balanced diet, and the cauliflower should be offered only as a treat or snack!
Cauliflower is safe for consumption (cooked) for both kittens and adult cats. The vitamins and antioxidants in it can help reduce inflammation and relieve arthritis symptoms in older animals. Its fiber can support digestive health, but too much can lead to an upset stomach. It should be served plain (no salt, pepper, oil, etc.) and in small pieces, without the stem and leaves. Cauliflower poses a risk when offered in large quantities because it can disrupt your catâs digestive system (explosive diarrhea), especially if given raw. As well, raw, unchopped cauliflower has a choking potential.
Cats can consume one or two teaspoons over a period of a week.
Can cats eat cauliflower purée, rice, or cheese?
Cauliflower purĂ©e â For this recipe, the cauliflower is boiled, pureed, and then you add cream, butter, or chicken stock. If the puree is made only with chicken soup (and not the commercial one because it has salt in the composition), it can be served to your cat. If the purĂ©e contains salt, pepper, other spices, oil, butter, or sour cream, it can cause digestive disorders in your little fluff ball. It should also be noted that most adult cats are lactose intolerant. Cauliflower purĂ©e can be served to cats of all ages (who have a balanced diet) in small quantities as a treat or snack.
Cauliflower rice â Humans can consume cauliflower rice raw or cooked. Its recipe is made by grating the cauliflower, and then it is sautĂ©ed in a pan with 1 tbsp. of oil. You might also want to add salt and pepper to your taste. If your cauliflower rice is plain (without salt or pepper), you can serve it to your cat in small bites (as a snack or treat)!
Cauliflower cheese â For this recipe, the cauliflower is boiled for 5 minutes, and then added in an oven pan to bake. On the stove you will mix milk, flour, and butter. After all is mixed you will add the cheese. Pour this composition over your cauliflower and bake it for 20 minutes. As yummy as this recipe is for us, is not healthy for our beloved pets. As I mentioned earlier, cats are lactose intolerant, and all those dairy products will give your cat an upset stomach. Therefore, is it best if you keep this delicious dish just for yourself and not share it with your cat!
Can I give broccoli to my cat?
Broccoli is one of the few vegetables that cats can eat without posing a real danger to their health. That being said, cats are natural carnivores, which means they eat meat primarily and should be able to get all the nutrients they need from typical cat food. While broccoli is considered a healthy food for humans, it has less nutrition for cats, and in excess, it can even cause side effects.
This vegetable is an excellent protector against cancer and contains no less than three chemical compounds with anti-tumor action. It has a low glycemic index, being recommended for dogs and cats suffering from diabetes. Moreover, broccoli is also rich in vitamin C, D, A, and beta-carotene.
As with cauliflower, it should be cooked (steamed, grilled, or baked) without any spices, oils, or other ingredients, such as dairy products.
Raw broccoli can be nibbled by your cat, but not in large quantities, and the pieces must be small so your cat wonât choke. In some cases, it also can cause your cat a stomach ache.
This vegetable, like the rest of the ones that are allowed, will be given in small quantities (1-2 teaspoons over a week period) every time, even if your pet asks for more. When you give your cat broccoli for the first time, be more reserved with the portion to see how its stomach reacts.
Depending on the size of the animal, cut the cooked vegetable into small pieces and give it as a treat or snack, and not very often (1-2 times per week). Cats of all ages can safely eat broccoli, including kittens.
Can cats eat broccoli purée, rice, or cheese?
Broccoli purĂ©e â It is prepared according to the same recipe as cauliflower. It can be served to cats regardless of their age (in small quantities) if it does not contain spices, sour cream, butter, etc.
Broccoli rice â As with cauliflower, broccoli rice is served to cats if it is plain, without any salt, pepper, butter, or other ingredients.
Broccoli cheese â Because this recipe has many dairy ingredients in its composition, it is recommended not to give it to cats for consumption because it can cause gastrointestinal disorders, such as vomiting and diarrhea.
Can cats consume cauliflower/Broccoli florets, leaves, stem, or sprouts?
The stem and the leaves, although they contain nutrients, are not recommended to be served to your cat because, most of the time, they are woody, and cats can choke on them.
The cauliflower and broccoli florets are most recommended to be given to your cat for consumption. They should be cooked (steamed, grilled, or baked) and be given in small portions.
When it comes to sprouted cauliflower or broccoli, they have a slightly sweet aroma with nut tones and are among the most popular microgreens. Given that we eat them eaten raw and have a high content of fibers, they are not recommended to be offered to our cats.
Can cats eat cauliflower or broccoli soup?
In general, regardless of the type of food you want to serve your cat, it is recommended not to have in its composition salt or other spices, onion or garlic (as they are toxic to dogs and cats), dairy products, too much fat, and others.
If your cauliflower or broccoli soup is free of fats, dairy, spices, or other ingredients that could be harmful to your cat, it is ok to be served in small amounts to your beloved pet if it has a balanced diet.
Is it ok to give my cat to drink cauliflower or broccoli juice?
The cauliflower and broccoli should be cooked before being served to cats because they are high in fiber, and their digestive system is specialized in breaking down animal protein. Too much fiber in your catâs diet can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, so itâs not a good idea to give your cat to drink cauliflower or broccoli juice if itâs prepared from raw vegetables.
Can my cat eat salad with cauliflower or broccoli?
Salads generally contain vinegar, oil, and spices, such as sugar, salt, or pepper. In addition to these ingredients, we often put onions, which are toxic to cats. So it is not advisable to give your cat to eat cauliflower or broccoli from your salad.
Can cats eat a dish with cauliflower or broccoli with potatoes?
White potatoes, whether boiled or baked, without other spice additions, can be safe for your cat in limited quantities. Sweet potatoes should be avoided because they contain compounds that are more difficult to digest, despite the fact that they are richer in nutrients.That being said, if the recipe you have prepared contains white potatoes and cauliflower or broccoli, without any added spices or fats, it is safe for consumption by your cat, but in small quantities.
Can my cat have cauliflower/broccoli pie or pizza?
It is good to limit your catâs eating or even tasting foods that contain many ingredients, such as pies or pizza with cauliflower or broccoli. In addition to oil, eggs,yeast, sugar, salt, flour, cheese, they may also contain onions or other ingredients that could be harmful to your catâs health, so it is best not to give in to its insistence.
Can cats have dishes with cauliflower or broccoli and meat (beef, chicken, pork)?
It is known that chicken or beef is safe for consumption by our cats. When it comes to pork, it must be lean (without fat) and cooked well-done (otherwise it poses a risk of having Trichinellaspiralis â a parasite that it is found in the form of a larva in a cyst in the muscles of some animals, such as pigs).
As well, too much fat in a catâs diet can lead to obesity and heart problems over time.
You can serve your fluffy cat food that contains cauliflower or broccoli with meat if it is not fatty and does not contain spices or other harmful ingredients. Like any other dish that has cauliflower or broccoli in its composition, you should offer it to our cat from time to time.
Can some cats be allergic to cauliflower, broccoli, or other cabbage types?
Although allergies to these vegetables are very rare, this does not mean that they cannot happen. That is why it is best to give small pieces beforehand to see how your pet reacts to the vegetable. It is also better to steam, boil, or bake them because they are easier to digest when cooked.
Pay extra attention when giving cabbage to your cat because it can sometimes cause bloating, flatulence, and stomach aches.
What kinds of cabbage can my cat consume?
Over 400 varieties of cabbage are grown worldwide, but the most popular are white/green cabbage, red/purple cabbage, Chinese, Savoy, and Napa cabbage.
Although many cat owners choose to offer white/green cabbage to their pets, it seems that the most recommended would be the red variety because it contains a compound â anthocyanin, which helps to reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
Regardless of its variety, cabbage is preferable to be eaten by adult cats because kittens do not have sufficiently developed teeth to chew the hard cabbage leaves and have more sensitive stomachs.
Regarding Brussels sprouts, these should be cooked until soften and served always chopped because they can be a choking hazard.
Pros for consuming cabbage in cats
Eating cabbage boosts immunity to many forms of cancer not only in humans but also in cats. Most types of Cabbage are rich in phytonutrients and vitamins A, C, and K, and natural antioxidants that prevent tumor development.
Cons for eating cabbage in cats
Although it is rare to meet a cat that eats cabbage with and for pleasure, it is good to know that this vegetable in the raw stage contains thiocyanate, a compound that can affect thyroid function. The plants that contain this toxic compound are green, white, and red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli. That is why it is best to always cook it before giving it to your cat (in small quantities only).
What should I do if my cat is obsessed with eating cabbage?
Never let your cat obsess over eating cabbage or other vegetables that are high in fibers because you risk harming its health. If you know your cat is in love with cabbage, avoid keeping this vegetable in your house or garden for a while and try to shift your catâs attention to more suitable treats or snacks for it, such as dried fish, chicken or other available natural treats that are there on the market!
How to prepare cauliflower, broccoli and other types of cabbage safely for my cat?
Regardless of the vegetables, they should be steamed (most recommended because it retains all its nutritional properties), grilled, or baked. It is also ok to boil these vegetables, but keep in mind that this way they lose nutrients. It is advisable to cook them without spices (including salt), oil, fats, or other harmful ingredients such as garlic and onion.
Kittens and adults can eat cauliflower and broccoli in low amounts as a treat or reward, but not too often. They should not replace a complete and balanced diet. Regarding cabbage, it would be consumed only by adult cats, in small quantities and not very often.
Frequent consumption of cabbage, broccoli, or cauliflower can lead to digestive problems such as bloating, flatulence, stomach pain, vomiting, or diarrhea.
When it comes to frying your cabbage, cauliflower, or broccoli, as tasty as it sounds, it does not represent a healthy food for cats because it contains too much oil. Too much fat in a catâs diet can lead to obesity and heart diseases in time.
Alternative food or snacks for your feline instead of cabbage
As an alternative to these vegetables, cats can eat chopped carrots, green beans or peas, fish, strips of dehydrated chicken, pumpkin, squash, frozen corn, lettuce, and spinach.
These will also be served to your pet without spices, oil, other fats, dairy products, or in combination with harmful ingredients, such as garlic and onion.
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Cauliflower, broccoli, or cabbage are generally not toxic to cats, but you should be careful about the amount you give. They contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, which are good for your petâs immune system. However, due to their high fiber content, these vegetables can cause various intestinal disorders, especially if served raw.
Therefore, it is recommended to steam, grill, or bake them. By boiling these vegetables, they will lose most of their essential nutrients, and by frying them, your cat will consume too much oil, which is contraindicated.
Raw cabbage should be offered in small quantities because it can alter the normal functioning of the thyroid gland if it is consumed in excess.
These vegetables may have certain toxic compounds or residues, so make sure they are always well cooked and cleaned before serving them to your little feline.
No matter how you choose to cook them, you should avoid adding spices (including salt, sugar), oil, other fats, or harmful ingredients like garlic and onion. The portions for cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage will be one or two teaspoons over a week period.
Adult cats will eat cauliflower, broccoli, or cabbage, while kittens will only consume cauliflower and broccoli because they have a more sensitive stomach and less strong teeth.
Donât forget to cut cabbage into small pieces before giving it to your feline.
We hope this article answered all your questions about cats and cauliflower, broccoli, or cabbage.
Happy Cat Keeping!
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