Can cats consume dairy substitutes?
Although cats are obligate carnivores, there are certain ingredients or products for humans that are safe for cats to consume (meaning it is not toxic), and cowâs or goatâs milk is one of them. Many people think that this is the favorite drink of cats, but they canât be more wrong! Although kittens can consume small amounts of cowâs milk without problems, most adult cats are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is manifested through bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. Now, here comes the question of whether cats can consume vegan milk or vegan milk by-products?
The most popular types of vegan milk are almond milk or soy milk. Almonds and soy are two safe ingredients for cats, but there are still cats that are allergic to soy.
Even if vegan almond, soy, oat, coconut, or rice milk are safe to drink (unless your cat is allergic), they should be given in moderation because they can cause gastrointestinal problems. Most plant-based milk options can be found on the market are already sweetened or contain a lot of fat and their consumption can lead in time to tooth decay, obesity and other health problems. Dairy substitutes like vegan cream, sour cream, ice cream, butter, yogurt or cheese, should also be offered in small amounts as they can cause abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Also, products containing xylitol should be avoided in pets, as it is toxic.
Why do cats love milk?
Even if we are talking about cowâs or goatâs milk, it is well known that almost any cat would drink milk regardless of its age. The kittens are fully weaned at the age of 8-9 weeks, and during this time they will drink their motherâs milk or be fed special formulas for cats. In the kittensâ stomach is an enzyme that allows them to break down lactose from their motherâs milk, which is missing in adult cats. Therefore, adult cats are lactose intolerant, and although they may have digestive problems that give them a hard time, they still continue to consume it. But what really attracts cats so much to milk? It is known that cats do not perceive the sweet taste â they do not have sweet taste buds. So thatâs not why cats like milk! What really attracts them so much is the fat in the milk (it is high in fats).
Regarding goatâs milk, although it is more nutritious and contains less fat than cowâs milk, it can still cause your catâs digestive problems because it also contains lactose. But cats do not need extra fat as long as they have a quality and balanced diet. Too much fat can lead to an obese cat.
However, if your cat is not lactose intolerant, it is a good idea to purchase cowâs or goatâs milk with less fat to prevent your cat from becoming obese.
Is it safe to give my cat vegan milk (soy, almond etc.)?
Cats can drink vegan milk (soy, almond, hazelnut, etc.), meaning that is not toxic for them, but this doesnât mean they are supposed to. Even if soy or almond milk does not contain milk, it can still cause your cat some digestive problems such as bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. In addition, excess calories can âhelpâ your cat become obese, and obesity, like in humans, can become fatal.
Now, if some vegan milk happened to spill on the floor and your cat licked it from there, be sure that nothing happens.
Also, there are cats that are allergic to soy and this allergy, as in dogs, is manifested through excessive scratching, hair loss, red skin, etc.
In our opinion it doesnât matter if the soy milk is organic or bio, it still doesnât give your cat the essential nutrients its organism needs to function properly.
Like soy milk, almond milk does not contain essential nutrients for your cat. So it should be offered in exceptional cases. Their only benefit is that they do not contain lactose and are less likely to cause associated gastrointestinal problems and can be a good substitute for cowâs or goatâs milk.
Can my cat consume hazelnut milk?
Hazelnut milk should not be undrinkable for your cat unless it is allergic to hazelnuts. Like almond milk, hazelnut milk contains a lot of fat, being contraindicated in your catâs diet. Also, the hazelnut milk that is found on the market has high sugar content, which is not good for your catâs health.
Can cats drink rice milk?
Rice milk is obtained by pressing the rice. To make it taste better, sweeteners are added, in addition to preservatives and other artificial ingredients. It is not toxic to your cat, but it is not necessary to add it to its diet. Cats will not look for plant-based milk or other sources of vegetarian food.
Like vegan soy or almond milk, rice milk can cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc.
!Never raise a kitten with vegan milk, whether itâs soy, almonds, or rice. These can cause diarrhea and compromise the life of the kitten. Moreover, they do not contain the necessary nutrients that a kitten needs to develop and grow harmoniously. If you have a kitten that lost its mother, but who still feeds on milk, you can buy milk specially formulated for cats.
Is oat milk safe for my cat to consume?
In general, oat milk is safe for consumption, and compared to cowâs milk, it is easier to digest by your cat. But like any other vegan milk, oat milk is not beneficial for your cat in any way.
If you still want to give your cat oat milk, then choose one that is as little processed as possible. The quantities offered should be small. Highly processed oat milk can have the same negative effects on your catâs digestive system as cowâs milk.
Can my cat have coconut milk?
Coconut milk is safe for consumption by your cat, but as with almond or hazelnut milk, it is concentrated in fat. Also, cats do not have an optimal digestive system to digest vegetable protein; therefore, consuming coconut milk in large quantities can lead to digestive problems and obesity.
Can I give my cat to drink chocolate vegan milk?
Chocolate is toxic to both cats and dogs. The toxic compound in chocolate is called theobromine and is found in cocoa beans. Intoxication is directly proportional to the amount of chocolate (cocoa) your cat consumes. Dark chocolate has a higher concentration in cocoa than milk chocolate, which makes it more dangerous.
Common symptoms of theobromine intoxication include vomiting, tremors, agitation, hyperactivity, seizures, high heart rate, and eventually the death of the pet.
If your cat has consumed chocolate milk, it is best to consult your veterinarian for advice on what to do next. So it is out of the question if chocolate vegan milk is good for your cat!
Can my cat consume condensed vegan milk?
Whether it is rice and oats, coconut, soy, or another vegan ingredient, condensed milk has a much higher amount of sugar than normal, and is not recommended to be given to your cat for consumption. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, cats do not have sweet taste buds, and too much sugar can cause various health problems.
Can cats drink lactose free milk?
As long as your cat has no adverse reactions from consuming milk, it may consume whole milk, skim milk, or lactose-free milk, but in small amounts.
Cats can drink lactose-free milk, but there is no reason why you should give your cat something like that. If, however, your cat has developed an unusual taste for lactose-free milk, you can give it to it from time to time as a treat.
The most suitable is the lactose-free milk specially formulated for cats, but even if it provides hydration to your cat, it also contains many calories and you risk your cat becoming obese.
What you need to remember is that you can give lactose-free milk to your cat, but in moderation, because it is not intended to be an important part of your catâs daily diet. The same goes for unsweetened, salt-free, fat-free, or additives-free milk.
Other Dairy Substitutes For Cats:
Vegan Yoghurt
Although there are many types of vegan yogurt, it doesnât offer any nutritional benefits to cats. It can be made from oats and fava beans, soy, coconut, or other vegan ingredients. If it doesnât contain chocolate, avocado, or macadamia nuts (Iâll talk about them below), itâs safe for consumption.
Vegan cream
Vegan cream is made from soy, oats, or cashews; none of which are toxic to cats. It is not toxic to your cat, but even if it consumes it, it does not offer any nutritional benefits. It should be offered in small quantities and rarely.
Vegan sour cream
Vegan sour cream is mostly prepared from cashews, which are rich in protein and other nutrients, but they donât provide any benefits to your catâs organism. However it can be given as a treat from time to time. Any excess leads to health problems.
Vegan ice cream
No ice cream is good for cats; although vegan ice cream is milk-free, it has a high concentration in fats and sugar. Some non-dairy ice creams are also fat-free, but it will still cause your cat gastrointestinal problems if given often.
Vegan butter
Vegan Butter is made from olive, avocado, coconut, palm kernel oil, or another combination of oils. It is better to avoid giving your cat avocado oil (avocado skin is toxic to cats). Any other oil is safe if given in small quantities, but not necessary.
Vegan cheese
Although vegan cheese is lactose-free, it contains a lot of fat and salt and is contraindicated to give to cats.
Keep in mind, however, that cats are mandatory carnivores, and they do not have a digestive system built to digest vegetable protein.
! To remember:
If you are a vegan and want your cat to have some small bites of your favorite food from time to time, it is important to remember that chocolate, avocado, and macadamia nuts are toxic for your fluffy friend. These ingredients should be avoided at all costs.
Chocolate causes seizures, vomiting, tremor, elevated heart rate, diarrhea, hyperactivity, and even death.
The consumption of whole macadamia nuts or products that contain them can lead to digestive, nervous, and muscle problems such as weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors, and elevated body temperature. As with grapes or raisins, it is not known what makes them toxic to pets.
When it comes to avocadoes, their skin contains persin â an organic compound known to be toxic for cats and dogs.
Also, avoid at all costs sweetened dairy substitutes; the ones that contain xylitol. This is not a commonly used sweetener in vegan milk and other dairy substitutes but is best to double-check.
Alternatives to Plant-Based Milk and Other Dairy-Free Products
Cats should not eat vegan food because their digestive system is not built to process vegetable protein. All vegan dairy products can cause your cat digestive problems if consumed in excess.
The best alternative is to buy milk specially formulated for cats, but it should also be offered in moderation because it contains a lot of fat.
Most vegan dairy substitutes are not toxic to cats. They can be consumed rarely and in small quantities.
Please pay special attention to products that contain chocolate, avocado, or macadamia nuts, as they are toxic to your cat.
The sweetener xylitol, which is not very common in vegan dairy products, is also toxic to pets.
Cowâs or goatâs milk contains lactose, and most adult cats are lactose intolerant. In addition to digestive problems, they can also cause obesity if consumed in excess, because they have a lot of fat in their composition.
If you have a small kitten without a mother to nurture it, you can buy milk that is designed for cats from your local pet-shop or veterinary clinic. Do not give them cowâs or goatâs milk because they are too high in fat.
We hope this article has answered all your questions about cats, vegan milk, and dairy substitutes.
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